Windows (.BMP) to PICTMacintosh (ShareWare) Copyright © 1990-1993 By R. Mark Fleming 521 Albert Street Kingson, Ont. Canada, K7K 4M5 (613) 545-2039 (work) markf@POST.QueensU.Ca This translator converts B&W and 16, 256 Color Windows (.BMP) bitmaps formated files to Macintosh PICT formatted files. A copy of the PICT file is also left in the Clipboard, ready to paste into another application. Sample log file when translating a B&W BitMap image: COPYTOM.BMP --> COPYTOM.BMP {Windows BMP to PICT} Width: 475, Height: 228, Depth (Bits per Pixcell):1 Source file size (in Bytes):13742 The resulting file is a B&W PICT file. Sample log file when translating a 16 color BitMap version of the same image: COPYTO.BMP --> COPYTO.BMP {Windows BMP to PICT} Width: 475, Height: 228, Depth (Bits per Pixcell):4 Source file size (in Bytes):54838 The resulting file is a 16 Color PICT file. Sample log file when translating a 16 color BitMap version of the same image: COPYTOx.BMP --> COPYTOx.BMP {Windows BMP to PICT} Width: 475, Height: 228, Depth (Bits per Pixcell):8 Source file size (in Bytes):54838 The resulting file is a 256 Color PICT file. NOTE: Color may not be translated correctly. If you uses this translator, please send $10.00 (ShareWare) to the above address. Thank you, Mark Fleming History... V1.01 First Released V1.02 Fix bug in translation of 8 bit images and color table Added support for OS/2 BMP files. Fix bug with translation of folders. Mapped file name extension .BMP to PICT and added BMP Eligible files filter routine. Other shareware translators I have written: AFE translators: * EPFS (IBMpc to Macintosh) v1.01 * dBase to CSV or TSV v1.04 * WordStar to RTF v1.02 XTND Translators: * Windows (.BMP) v1.01 - updated to same code as AFE translator * StartUpScreen